Commemorating my beloved Grandparents with a Botanical Tattoo


Where I usually reserve the “blog” part of this website for more informative and joyful information I still though it good to share why there has been no new little nuggets on my life and FynBosch Design happenings.

And of course I haven’t been sitting around doing nothing this whole time; there have been many trips collecting flora, creating new work & a few exhibitions that happened over the past year. On my instagram (fynboschdesign) I shared some of the places that showcased my work like; The Flowerart Museum, Dorien Dolls Collectables & Van De Maker.

But the most dominating event was that last year two of the most important and loved people in my life moved on to a more peaceful place. My proud grandfather of 88 and my endearing grandmother of 89. It has been a sorrowful and reflective time for me since their passing.

Since being an artist means that everything I do is connected to my life and sentiment I wanted to commemorate all my adored grandparents in a very personal and permanent manner. I deliberated on each of their significances to my life and couldn’t avoid connecting them to flowers.

I set off contemplating and sketching in my head for months on end to come to the perfect balance of botanicals that I could carry with me. Something to keep my grandparents as close to me as I possibly could.

Eventually making the step and with the help of the amazing Liza Sie from The Tattoo garden in The Hague she put my heart and thoughts into a sketch to be tattooed on my body.


A Rose for my strong and proud grandfather.
A tall Foxglove for my wise and unconditional loving grandmother.
A four leaf Clover for my humble and exquisite grandfather. &
A tough but breathtaking Tulip for my grandmother.


Piet Mackay, Ann Mackay, Pieter Bosch & Hannie Bosch.

You will forever be with me in everything I am.



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